hi, i'm sean

I pride myself on providing guests with an elevated bar experience. With an unwavering attention to detail, I aim to make each event and bar program I create unparalleled in taste, execution, and aesthetics. Whether we create a line-up of classic cocktails for an intimate party or bespoke menus tailored to your hospitality group, my process is grounded in excellence.

Every shake, stir, and pour is executed with care, resulting in drinks that not only taste wonderful but also bear an allure that turns any ordinary evening into a memorable affair.

"firstly, make it work,
Then make it a thing of beauty."

As early as I can recall, I was naturally drawn to the inner workings of everything around me. As I began to learn and experience the world, it became nearly impossible to remain content with a simple answer or a simple solution to a question; If you told me the "because", I would demand the "how" and the "why". This thinking persisted in me throughout my formative school years. But was once I reached college, after only a brief study of Electrical Engineering, that I was introduced to the concept of "First-Principles Thinking" – a code among creators used to solve big problems. I was obsessed. 

In the wise words of Elon Musk: "Boil something down to its most fundamental principles; the things we are most confident in are true at a foundational level." Now apply this principle to a concept known as "Form & Function". Of what use is it should The Architect design the most visually stunning bridge the world has ever seen if, when tested, it collapses with its citizens upon it? Conversely, of what use is it that the Musician purchases the finest Stradivarius Violin ever built if it's practitioner has no ability nor desire to learn the fundamentals of proper bow technique? 

While I firmly agree with the age old adage that "Form must always follow Function", my overall philosophy with my craft – and art as a whole – is that Form & Function are a direct and inseparable compliment to each other. As practitioners at the highest levels, we must aim to unite our desire for the Aesthetic and the Technical:

That is, firstly, make it work, then make it a thing of beauty. 

Limbo philosophy

I myself, am an artist at heart and in practice, but I certainly did not start out that way.  It was Music that truly spoke with me at a very young age, with Jazz being among the most influencial. But it wasn't until I picked up my first instrument at 11 yrs old – the trumpet – that I connected the feeling of observing the arts with the ability to express it. In my late teens, I learned guitar, vocals, and songwriting, going on to play for years with my twin brother in our band "Single Origin". Although I do not currently perform as regular, I fill the time with my other passions. I am a competitive runner, rock climber, and overall fitness junkie. As a Coffee Nerd, you can often catch me discussing the micro notes of a well pulled shot of espresso. But you really want to find the way to my heart, let's have an in depth discussion on astrophysics and quantum theory!  

sean, the man behind the bar

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